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by Aline Lerner

通过艾琳·勒纳(Aline Lerner)

为什么不存在工程师的人才代理 (Why talent agents for engineers don’t exist)

People often ask me if I’m a talent agent for engineers, in the same way that actors have talent agents in Hollywood. In a lot of ways, the way I work is closer to a talent agent than a traditional recruiter.

人们经常问我,我是否是工程师的人才代理,就像演员在好莱坞有人才代理一样。 在很多方面,我的工作方式比传统的招聘人员更接近人才代理。

At , rather than sourcing for specific positions, we try to find smart people first, figure out what they want, and then — hopefully — give it to them. We run a platform where engineers can practice technical interviewing anonymously, and find jobs based on interview performance rather than their resumes.

我们在不是只寻找特定职位的 ,而是尝试在寻找合适的人之前,先弄清楚他们想要的东西,然后(希望)将其提供给他们。 我们运行一个平台,工程师可以在该平台上匿名进行技术面试,并根据面试表现而非简历来找到工作。

However, I’m not a talent agent in the true sense, nor have I ever met any. I really wish the agent model could work, but in this market, it’s not going to happen. Here’s why.

但是,我并不是真正意义上的人才代理,也从未见过任何人。 我真的希望代理模型可以工作,但是在这个市场上这不会发生。 这就是为什么。

First, some quick definitions. A talent agent is paid by people looking for work. A recruiter is paid by companies looking for people. If someone tells you they’re a talent agent for engineers, ask them where their paychecks are coming from.

首先,一些快速定义。 人才中介是由寻找工作的人支付的。 招聘人员由寻找人员的公司支付。 如果有人告诉您他们是工程师的人才代理,请询问他们的薪水来自何处。

Agents make sense when it’s hard to find a job or when the opportunity cost of looking for work is high enough to justify paying someone else. Recruiters make sense when it’s hard to find workers or the opportunity cost of looking for workers is high enough to pay someone else. In some sense, it’s almost like recruiters are talent agents for the companies they’re representing.

当很难找到工作或寻找工作的机会成本高到足以证明要付钱给别人时,代理人才有意义。 招聘人员在很难找到工作人员或寻找工作人员的机会成本高到足以支付其他人时才有意义。 从某种意义上说,招聘人员就像是他们所代表的公司的人才代理。

Talent agents for actors make a lot of sense for precisely this reason. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), “employment of actors is 4 percent from 2012 to 2022, slower than the average [of 11%] for all occupations.” By contrast, “employment of software developers is 22 percent from 2012 to 2022.” That’s about twice as fast as the average.

正是由于这个原因,演员的才能代理才有意义。 根据劳工统计局(BLS)的数据,“从2012年到2022年,演员的就业率 4%,低于所有职业的平均[11%]。” 相比之下,“从2012年到2022年,软件开发人员的就业 22%。” 大约是平均速度的两倍。

To get a better handle on this disparity, I also tried to pull current unemployment figures for each industry. Based on some quick googling, it appears that unemployment for software engineers is somewhere between 1 and 4% depending on the source. For actors, it’s between 27 and 90%.

为了更好地解决这一差距,我还尝试了拉动每个行业的当前失业数据。 根据一些快速搜索,看来软件工程师的失业率大约在1-4%之间,具体取决于来源。 对于演员来说,这一比例在27%到90%之间。

What was particularly telling is that according to BLS, there are something like 67,000 acting jobs in the U.S. (the figure was for 2010 but based on projected growth, it’s not changing too much).


The Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists alone boasts over , and The Actors’ Equity Association (union for stage actors) has about .

仅美国电影演员协会和电视广播艺术家联合会就拥有超过 ,而演员公平协会(舞台演员联盟)则约有 。

Where competition for a job is extremely fierce, it’s in your interest to pay someone a portion of your salary to legitimize you, and help get you the kind of exposure you wouldn’t be able to get yourself.


For engineers, because the shortage is in labor and not jobs, paying out a portion of your salary for a task you can easily do yourself doesn’t make much sense.


Sure, having to look for work on your own is kind of a pain in the ass, but it’s not something you do that often, maybe once every few years. And, in this market, finding a job — for desirable candidates who would actually be in a position to have talent agents clamoring for them — is not that tough.

当然,不得不自己找工作是种痛苦,但并不是经常这样做,也许每隔几年一次。 而且,在这个市场上,找到工作-对于实际上可以让人才代理人为他们求职的理想应聘者-并不是那么困难。

If you look good on paper and have an in-demand skill set, you can pretty quickly end up with a compelling lineup of offers.


Even if you do get a few more offers with an agent, for most people, interview exhaustion sets in at somewhere around 5 on-site interviews.


Moreover, from what I’ve been able to observe, most people are looking for a job that’s good enough. After a while, if the company is above some social proof threshold, the work seems interesting, the people are cool, and you’re getting paid well — and with the supply/demand curve looking the way it does now, this isn’t currently a problem — then you accept.

而且,根据我的观察,大多数人正在寻找足够好的工作。 过了一会儿,如果公司超过了一定的社会证明标准,工作看起来很有趣,人们很酷,而且您的工资也很丰厚-供求曲线看起来像现在一样,这不是当前是一个问题-然后您接受。

I found this out myself when I first started my own recruiting firm. At the time, I really wanted to explore the talent agent model. I was convinced that having engineers pay for an agent’s services would swiftly rectify many of the problems that (e.g. wanton spamming of engineers, misrepresentation of positions, recruiters having a very shallow understanding of the space/companies they’re recruiting for).

我刚成立自己的招聘公司时就发现了这一点。 当时,我真的很想探索人才代理模型。 我坚信,让工程师为代理商的服务付费会Swift纠正许多问题(例如,工程师肆意散布垃圾邮件,职位失实,招聘人员对他们所在的空间/公司的了解很浅)招募)。

So I spent the first few months of running my business talking to engineers and trying to figure out if a talent agent model would work. Engineers were super excited about this. Until I mentioned the part where they’d have to pay me, that is.

因此,我在开展业务的头几个月中与工程师进行了交谈,并试图弄清人才代理模型是否可行。 工程师对此感到非常兴奋。 直到我提到他们必须付钱给我的那一部分。

It does bear mentioning that freelance engineers do have talent agents (such as ). When you’re a freelancer, you often switch jobs and may work several jobs in parallel. On top of that, your time is split between doing actual work (coding) and drumming up business. So the less time you spend on drumming up business, the more time you can spend doing work that pays.

值得一提的是,自由工程师确实有人才代理(例如 )。 当您是自由职业者时,您经常切换工作,并且可能并行工作多个工作。 最重要的是,您需要花费时间进行实际工作(编码)和开展业务。 因此,您花在建立生意上的时间越少,花在做有偿工作上的时间就越多。

In this model, paying someone to find work for you makes perfect sense, because the opportunity cost of not working is high enough to justify the payment.


There are some full-time engineer archetypes for whom having a talent agent might seem to make sense. There are people who still have trouble finding work in the status quo. Examples might be engineers who:

有一些全职的工程师原型对于他们来说,找到人才代理似乎是有意义的。 有些人仍然很难在现状中找到工作。 例如,工程师可能是:

  • don’t look good on paper but are actually very good

  • are looking for a really specific niche (for example, a Natural Language Processing specialist looking to work on high-volume search with Asian languages)


However, there are not enough of these people to justify an entire market. In other words, for a lot less effort and a lot more money, you could just focus on more mainstream candidates, and get paid by the company.

但是,这些人不足以为整个市场辩护。 换句话说,您可以花更少的精力和更多的钱,专注于更多的主流候选人,并获得公司的薪酬。

All that said, I wish the whole talent agent thing could work, because then the ethics would align with the money. And that’s kind of the dream, isn’t it?

话虽如此,我希望整个人才中介工作都能奏效,因为这样道德才能与金钱保持一致。 那是梦想,不是吗?

I’m CEO and co-founder of , a platform where engineers can practice technical interviewing anonymously and find jobs based on interview performance rather than resumes, which I increasingly believe are the worst way to gauge engineering aptitude.

我是CEO和联合创始人 ,一个平台,让工程师们可以匿名练技术面试和找根据面试成绩,而不是简历,我越来越相信工作是为了衡量工程资质最糟糕的方式。

Want to find a great job without ever touching your resume? Join .

想要找到一份出色的工作而不接触您的简历吗? 加入 。




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